We are constantly changing and things around us are changing as well. The environment, arts, community, personalities, songs, poetry, everything is in a state of flux. Recognizing that change is inevitable and we can’t hold on to a moment in time, I move forward with that idea and synthesize modern art with it. My work explores this change of scene, something fresh, homemade yet universal. The field of contemporary American Islamic art will grow and we are at the beginning point of a movement that will be traced back in time and where will it start or point to? Watch this video and join us in promoting a NEW AMERICA and a NEW ART – global yet local, Discover Islamic Art.

Come to Princeton! www.FarazKhanArtStudio.com 



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I express my intellectual longing for creative ideas through Islamic art by fusing colors, lines, dots, and words together to inspire a meaning worth imagining. My work explores universal values of love, life, faith, prayer, beauty, and divine that synthesizes feelings and pictograms through lettering.
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