
Symmetry in Islamic Art

By: F.K. Art Intern Nimah Bhura

Have you ever looked at a piece of Islamic Art and wondered, “why am I so drawn to this piece”? Islamic Art, especially that which includes calligraphy, is meant to represent absolute beauty and perfection. As it is made for the sake of God, it represents the artist’s love for Him. That beauty is brought to the human eye with the use of symmetry.

Symmetry does not just apply to the format of the calligraphy, but the patterns that are used around or within it. Artists use geometrical patterns made up of an array of shapes to create intricate designs. They distinguished Islamic Art from all other forms of art by duplicating, combining, and interlacing patterns to create extraordinary designs. The complexity of the resulting pattern represents freedom and perpetual growth. Symmetry is one of the defining features of Islamic Art.

Author’s Bio: I am a High School student just trying to learn more about art. I own 5 galleries and over 100 pieces of my work are featured all over the world— I wish. I am just trying to communicate a message to anyone who will listen, even if that is just my parents.



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I express my intellectual longing for creative ideas through Islamic art by fusing colors, lines, dots, and words together to inspire a meaning worth imagining. My work explores universal values of love, life, faith, prayer, beauty, and divine that synthesizes feelings and pictograms through lettering.
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