
Horseshoe Arch of the Mosque of Córdoba

The Horseshoe Arch of the Mosque of Córdoba

By: F.K. Art Intern Nimah Bhura

Historically, mosques have been the home to many forms of calligraphy. Their entrances and ceilings are embellished with great works of Arabic calligraphy. A prime example is the Mosque of Córdoba in Spain. The most prominent and famous section of the mosque is its horseshoe opening to the mihrab. Built by Al-Hakam II, the horseshoe is enhanced with Arabic calligraphy.

The horseshoe arch is enclosed in a large rectangular frame, in which Quranic verses are written. The calligraphy is done in the Kufic script and is written in gold ink on a blue background, which makes it stand out from all the detailed work around it. Surrounding the actual arch are fan like mosaics of bold colors which draw people towards the mihrab. The Mosque of Córdoba is among the greatest mosques in the world.

Author’s Bio: I am a High School student just trying to learn more about art. I own 5 galleries and over 100 pieces of my work are featured all over the world— I wish. I am just trying to communicate a message to anyone who will listen, even if that is just my parents.



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I express my intellectual longing for creative ideas through Islamic art by fusing colors, lines, dots, and words together to inspire a meaning worth imagining. My work explores universal values of love, life, faith, prayer, beauty, and divine that synthesizes feelings and pictograms through lettering.
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