
My Advice to Aspiring Artists:

I. How to Deal with Hitting the Wall

By: F.K. Art Intern Nimah Bhura

We all have that one thing we love, that we’re great at. For me, it’s art; I believe I’m a great artist. However, that belief doesn’t hold strong all the time. There is always a process in which people do things. While the activity might differ, the process remains relatively similar.

First, you start by fully believing in yourself; you fantasize the task at hand to be minimally difficult, and you begin. You start the activity; in an artist’s case you may start to paint. After a while you take a step back and realize what you’ve created is complete garbage. There are no polite words that could describe your work. That is when you hit the wall. You’re frustrated, so you start over and come up with new ideas to fix it. In any case, you keep going; you never give up when hit with obstacles. Finally, after the frustration, sweat, and tears, you look back and see a masterpiece. Hitting the wall is pivotal, it separates the good from the great; thus, when you reach that wall don’t turn back, but persist.

Author’s Bio: I am a High School student just trying to learn more about art. I own 5 galleries and over 100 pieces of my work are featured all over the world— I wish. I am just trying to communicate a message to anyone who will listen, even if that is just my parents




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I express my intellectual longing for creative ideas through Islamic art by fusing colors, lines, dots, and words together to inspire a meaning worth imagining. My work explores universal values of love, life, faith, prayer, beauty, and divine that synthesizes feelings and pictograms through lettering.
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