Cardiograph Art

It was about 5 years ago when I first conceived this idea of introducing Lafz al-Jalalah (Allah or God written in Arabic) in a form of a wavelength or cardiograph. Many of my friends who are in the healthcare industry appreciated the suttle meaning behind the artwork. 

Art creation is one of the most fascinating things to me as one would conceive an idea and then be able to implement it. Arabic calligraphy is a remarkable script because it is like water, so fluid that it could take the form of it’s container.  Another artist described my art as ribbons with movement. I guess movement is a good metaphor for life. 

Let me know how you go through the creative process.

My American Flag

Every artist who creates an American flag to show their support for their country has something special to offer. I wanted to showcase the beauty and diversity of American culture by designing a unique American flag with Arabic calligraphy. If you look below, the 50 stars are actual names of 50 states written in Arabic. I have shown the state of New Jersey in Arabic calligraphy in a close up. If you are familiar with Arabic language and look closely, you will find all of the 50 states. Please feel free to share any other interesting flags out there.

Happy 4th of July!

NBIC Artwork

Photo: Artwork Lafz al-Jalalah or the Noble Word, Allah in Arabic, medium woodwork, at the New Brunswick Islamic Center (New Jersey) by Faraz Khan.



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I express my intellectual longing for creative ideas through Islamic art by fusing colors, lines, dots, and words together to inspire a meaning worth imagining. My work explores universal values of love, life, faith, prayer, beauty, and divine that synthesizes feelings and pictograms through lettering.
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