
My Advice to Aspiring Artists:

III. Trying New Techniques

Trying new things is always hard. It’s especially difficult because you are delving into the unknown. The new process or technique you are trying could result in magnificence or it could be a colossal waste of time. However, it is important to take that step and leap into the unknown, because without it improvement is just  a fantasy.

Starting off, new techniques are always difficult to learn and master. They seem impossible, and you’ll always find a reason not to try them. Whether you argue that it is because your existing technique is working fine, or that you are satisfied with your work, I can assure you that that logic is unacceptable. New methods of artistry might be frightening, but they are always worth it. Even if the approach ends up being unsatisfactory, you will gain an understanding of what to do and what not to do. Sometimes you have to turn every stone to find exactly what you’re looking for.

Author’s Bio: I am a High School student just trying to learn more about art. I own 5 galleries and over 100 pieces of my work are featured all over the world— I wish. I am just trying to communicate a message to anyone who will listen, even if that is just my parents.



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I express my intellectual longing for creative ideas through Islamic art by fusing colors, lines, dots, and words together to inspire a meaning worth imagining. My work explores universal values of love, life, faith, prayer, beauty, and divine that synthesizes feelings and pictograms through lettering.
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