A close-up of the Kiswa covering the Kaba

The Kiswa

By: F.K. Art Intern Nimah Bhura

It’s remarkable how millions of people travel to the see the Ka’ba every day, but very few recognize the calligraphy inscribed on it. The Ka’ba is the most famous landmark in the Islamic world, covered with a black cloth or a kiswa, it represents the house of God. Located on the kiswa is a belt inscribed with the following phrase: “Oh Allah, there is no God but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Most Loving, the Benefactor. Glory be to Allah and Praise be to Allah and Glory is to Allah the Great.” Directly below the belt are verses of the Quran written in separate frames, along with Surat Iklas written into circles at each corner. In between the areas of the frames are lamps, within which praises of Allah are written. The kiswa is and will always remain to be one of the most intricate and stunning works of Islamic calligraphy the world has ever seen.

Author’s Bio: I am a High School student just trying to learn more about art. I own 5 galleries and over 100 pieces of my work are featured all over the world— I wish. I am just trying to communicate a message to anyone who will listen, even if that is just my parents.



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I express my intellectual longing for creative ideas through Islamic art by fusing colors, lines, dots, and words together to inspire a meaning worth imagining. My work explores universal values of love, life, faith, prayer, beauty, and divine that synthesizes feelings and pictograms through lettering.
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